Mega star Amitabh Bachchan, who is shooting in Gujarat for an ad campaign on tourism, said that flying kites for the shoot was full of fun
He has enjoyed the activity after a gap of almost 60 years.
Amitabh Bachchan (Big B) who is the brand ambassador of Gujarat Tourism, is currently shooting for the second phase of 'Khushbu Gujarat Ki', a television ad campaign. The campaign includes Ahmedabad's famous kite-flying festival, for which, the mega star flew kites.
He has enjoyed the activity after a gap of almost 60 years.
Amitabh Bachchan (Big B) who is the brand ambassador of Gujarat Tourism, is currently shooting for the second phase of 'Khushbu Gujarat Ki', a television ad campaign. The campaign includes Ahmedabad's famous kite-flying festival, for which, the mega star flew kites.